This dive package from Subgear is a package for children and contains:
- 1 qty. BCD Rebel
- 2 qty. Softweight 2,5Kg
- 1 qty. Regulator Aruba Kids
- 1 qty. Manometer ManoRebel
- 1 qty. Hook for manometer
- 1 qty. Shorty Pirat 3,0 mm. neopren suit
- 1 qty. Child1 mask
- 1 qty. Child Snorkel w/o ventil
- 1 qty Fins SF2 fulfoot fins
- 1 qty. Tank 5L incl. valve and foot
Shorty kan be replaced with a wetsuit in 3,0 mm. neopren. Extra charge is DKK 150,-
Complete dive package for children by Subgear.