Poseidon Xstream Atemregler kombination
The regulator of choice for demanding divers.
The regulator of choice for demanding divers using air or trimix O2 Certfied. Outstanding performance and certified to 200 metres. The Xstream regulator models have been developed based on experience gained from deep diving, cave diving, wreck diving and cold water diving. The different types all share some common requirements on safety through functionality,simplicity and performance.
- Trimix, Air and Oxygen
O2 Certfied.
- Certified to 200 m.
- 5 Low Pressure and 2 High Pressure ports
- T.D.A. anti-Freeze System
- Safety valve
Integrated in the 1st stage.
- Low WOB Servo assisted
- Hoses
Delivered with a 70 cm hose.
- Colours
Black, Green and Yellow
- Xstream Deep MK3
Black, for Air and Trimix
- Xstream Duration M26 (EU)
Green, for Oxygen
- Xstream Octupus
Yellow, for Air
- Xstream Duration
G5/8, Green, for Oxygen
- Materials
Durable PCS housing with metal mechanism and rubber parts.
Xstream ist die richtige Wahl für den anspruchsvollen Taucher mit Luft oder Trimix. Regler Set ist unbeeinflusst von Tiefe und Atmung. Hat hervorragende Leistung und ist zu 200 Meter zertifiziert. Lesen Sie mehr ...