Reach Right - Training in first aid
An Indispensable Tool For Unexpected Emergencies
React Right is SSI's Emergency Training Program. Learn the "How-To" of First Aid, CPR, AED and Oxygen administration in diving emergencies as well as emergency assessment, so that any emergency situation can be evaluated properly.
Enrolling a React Right program will increase your diving safety and comfort significantly. Also SSI and other training agencies require a valid First Aid and CPR Certificate as a prerequisite for the Diver Stress & Rescue certification.
To participate in this course you must be min. 15 years.
Course content:
React Right First Aid course is based on modern electronic teaching materials used in preparation for the course, so the theoretical foundations are in place before the course begins.
You will be guided through all practical skills by a React Right Instructor. The program covers:
- Primary Assessment
- First Aid & CPR Skills
- Primary Stabilization Techniques
- Oxygen Administration in Diving Emergencies
- Automated External Defibrilation Basics
The course includes scenarios which together your theoretical knowledge will put you in a position to provide effective first aid.
Proceedings of the course:
The course can be taught as a separate first aid course or integrated with an SSI Stress & Rescue Diver course.
Qualifications after the course:
It is SSI's mission that people who are injured get the assistance and lives can be saved by first aid. A React Right course is capabilities-making among other things, required to be certified SSI Stress & Rescue Diver.
Price & Booking
Registration for SSI Reach Right first aid course, can happen on this side. The price includes electronic teaching materials, electronic certificate and diploma
Personal pocket mask, must be purchased separately and brought to the course.
Registration and payment:
Your place is not reserved until we have registered your payment and you have received a course
confirm. See also "Payment Terms".
The course fee is not included images to license or medical certificate if required.
Course dates:
A Reach Right first aid course can be planned to fit into your everyday life
and our course calendar. You can start in a few days - as soon as you finish the first
chapters in your study material.
The course fee is not included meals or drinks.
Do you have questions to this course, please feel free to contact us.